Very Helpful, Surabaya Residents Can Fill Free Oxygen at These 3 Locations

2022-09-16 18:43:07 By : Mr. Johnny chan

"We are preparing the system and soon a center for filling oxygen cylinders will be opened for the public for free," said Acting Secretary of the East Java Provincial Secretariat Heru Tjahjono when confirmed by detikcom, Thursday (15/7/2021).Heru explained that there were three points that became the center for filling the free oxygen.Namely at the East Java Transportation Service Office on Jalan Ahmad Yani Surabaya, the Sidoarjo Samsat office and the Gresik Samsat office.Heru explained that the oxygen assistance was a CSR collaboration from PT Pertamina Gas.According to him, before filling oxygen cylinders, residents are required to fill in data or register online."Technically and with certainty, we will inform you as soon as possible," he added.While oxygen assistance from PT Pertamina Gas as much as 50 tons of oxygen is used for medical purposes in hospitals and residents of East Java.According to him, currently oxygen is needed a lot by the community, it must be prioritized to get it, both in hospitals and the general public."Hopefully this assistance can help friends, relatives and anyone who is currently battling illness due to COVID-19," said the former Head of the East Java Marine and Fisheries Service.Plh Sekdaprov also hopes that people who are not in need will not participate in hunting for oxygen cylinders, especially selling them for personal gain.Also watch the video 'Oxygen Concentrator, Strategy of the Minister of Health regarding Oxygen Needs':(fat/fat) medical oxygen oxygen East Java provincial government PPKM emergency oxygen cylinders for covid-19 bureau